🎿  Alpenglow

🚀  Space Freight

Coming Soon:
🪨  Rokku

🧩  Tile Frenzy

✈️  PDX

🎨  Studio Rats

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⛷️ Alpenglow    🚀 Red Dog Junction    ✈️ PDX    🗿 Rokku     🧩 Tile Frenzy

The Airport Strategy Game

Can you become Portland’s Favorite Airline?

Portland’s new airport is opening and your airline doesn’t want to miss out! Open offices, build services, upgrade your gates, and fly planes to destinations across the globe. Can you create Portland’s favorite airline?

 Follow on Kickstarter  

Art, components, and rules are all subject to change. Follow Waterworks Games to be the first to hear when PDX launches on Kickstarter in 2025.









Expand your reach by opening routes in this tableau builder.

Unique and Engaging Theme

PDX is a traditional euro-style engine building game where your primary goal is to activate connections to cities across the globe. Immerse yourself in the complexities of expanding the airport with others while finding your competitive advantage. Discover over 70 destinations across the world.

Efficiency and Bonuses

The way to get ahead at Portland’s new airport is to find efficiency in your actions. While most of your points will come from routes, you can fly towards victory with private offices. Safe from strikes and powerful during scoring at the end of the game, these offices give you a bonus with other airlines visit them.

Customize with Expansion Modules

Customize PDX to your taste by mix and matching expansion modules to the game. Gain gates and bonuses with Hubs, reward synergy with Ad Campaigns, invest in big returns with Power Ups, and improve efficiency with Upgrades. The expansion will be released at the same time as the base game on Kickstarter in 2025. Sign up to learn more!

Tabletopia may be temporarily unavailable as the game develops.
Play on Tabletopia

Test your airline management skills and see if you can become Portland’s favorite airline. PDX is on Tabletopia for play-testing and rules development.

Give the game a try and reach out with feedback. Rules are subject to change at anytime and reach out on Discord to chat with the team.

The sky is the limit as you master airport development in PDX.

A strategic game that is quick to learn with an engaging theme. Give PDX and try and follow the project on Kickstarter.

 Kickstarter Coming Soon  

Art, components, and rules are all subject to change. Follow Waterworks Games to be the first to hear when PDX launches on Kickstarter in 2025.

Finely Crafted and Made to Last

PDX is just a prototype right now but we are working with a world class team from art to logistics and manufacturing to make it the best game it can be. PDX will also come pre-stretched because every player deserves the best game-play experience.

Prototype games shown here.  Expect art, components, and mechanics to change before production.

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We design and craft fun yet challenging experiences and strive for perfection.
Retailers/FLGS, reviewers and media inquiries welcome, or use our contact form.

Waterworks Games, PDX ©️ 2019-2024 Sean Wittmeyer.
Published by Waterworks Games.
All rights reserved. Made in Portland, Oregon. Thanks for dropping by!