Navigate Viennese society and inspire revolutionary ideas.
Move Vienna’s brightest minds from university halls to your salon tables, shape revolutionary ideas, and risk your influence to launch transformative movements!
Designed by Sean Wittmeyer and Jeb Havens. Placeholder art is shown.
We expect Vienna to launch late 2025
15 min
Per Person
Breezy and Strategic Turns
Playing Vienna is as simple as moving thinkers between various locations in the city but choose wisely as you guide the development of this exciting era.
Host thinkers by seating them at tables in your salon and common interests will yield new ideas. When you have enough thinkers, publish in Vienna’s societies and eventually launch movements for prestige.
Easy to Learn, Hard to Master Finding the right balance between hosting, publishing, sponsoring and improving your standing with Vienna’s prestigious institutions will help you get ahead as other salons forge their path in the city’s golden age.
Publish court-sponsored ideas for a boost but don’t forget to support music and the arts or you’ll fall behind.
Rich Historical Theme The salons and coffee houses of late 19th century Vienna were the citys living rooms. Intellectual discussions from a mix of classes and backgrounds laid the foundation for modern society. Dive into this era and advance your interests and guide the city into a new modern age. Define your legacy.
Play-testing Vienna Vienna is still very early in development but we are excited to share a preview of it. Give the game a try and reach out to play-test it online. For rules, discussion and access to the online world of Waterworks Games, join us on Discord.
Until Vienna is ready, care to explore Red Dog Junction?
We aren’t ready to launch Vienna yet but subscribe to our newsletter above, or check out another of our great games launching soon: Red Dog Junction.
Show me Red Dog Junction Red Dog Junction is launching spring 2025 with estimated delivery January 2026. Follow for launch notifications and a discount.