🎿  Alpenglow

🚀  Space Freight

Coming Soon:
🪨  Rokku

🧩  Tile Frenzy

✈️  PDX

🎨  Studio Rats

In Portland? 

Find us on Monday’s at the Stumptown Gamecrafters Guild MeetUp!
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⛷️ Alpenglow    🚀 Red Dog Junction    ✈️ PDX    🗿 Rokku     🧩 Tile Frenzy

Captain, your ship is ready!

Lead your crew on your space freighter as you navigate the galaxy in search of a fortune of gold. Are you ready to take on an adventure of space piracy as you mine, salvage, trade, and fight for victory?

Get Space Freight for 25% off MSRP
Back the project on Kickstarter! Join the Waterworks Games Season Pass and get 25% off MSRP by signing up now!
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No Need for a Rulebook

Learn how to play Space Freight as you setup the game. Four trays come ready to go with instruction cards that are easy to read with rich visuals. Simply pull out components to get started.

Each player also gets a player aid that outlines available turn actions as well as sample first turns and strategy considerations as you play your first game.

Assemble your Crew

You start the game with a compliment of crew members allowing you to get started mining, trading, and salvaging resources. Spend resources to buy crew, officers, and boosts or trade in to complete missions for gold.

The game ends when all of the gold is in storage so you may need to take unconventional actions to get ahead.









Made by Gamers for Board Gamers 
Space Freight was made possible by the community of the Stumptown Gamecrafters Guild, a game design MeetUp in Portland, Oregon. Dozens of designers, play testers, and friends have come together to help play the game hundreds of times as components, mechanics, and the unboxing experience improved. Space Freight has also featured at a number of conferences including Pax Unplugged 2023.

Get Space Freight for 25% off MSRP
Back the project on Kickstarter! Join the Waterworks Games Season Pass and get 25% off MSRP by signing up now!
Shipping worldwide!

Finely Crafted and Made to Last

With sturdy materials, plastic and metal cubes, years of testing, and matte finish on all components, Space Freight is a premium game ready for years of gameplay, adventures, and wins. All included in every copy, no stretch goals necessary.

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We design and craft fun yet challenging experiences and strive for perfection. 
Retailers/FLGS, reviewers and media inquiries welcome, or use our contact form.

Space Freight Game and Healthy Pixels ©️ 2019-2024 Tyler and Brendon Cheves.
Published by Waterworks Games.
All rights reserved. Made in Portland, Oregon. Thanks for dropping by!